Výrobky odpovídající požadovaným kritériím
Brand: MOTUL
Kód: 1753
100% syntetical oil designed for powerful, new scooters and maxi-scooters, equipped with 4-stroke engines, with engine capacity from 50cc to 650cc with or without catalytic converters. The viscosity SAE 5W-40 complies with the recommendations of the latest manufacturers and improves the cold start o..
414,70Kč 552,89Kč
Kód: 1289
Semi-syntetical oil, specially developed from Repsol for 4-stroke scooter engines. Its characteristics provide excellent engine protection and are maintained over a wide temperature range under different operating conditions. Recommended for the typical stop-start mode in urban traffic or high accel..
261,30Kč 348,40Kč
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