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Tuning tabulka

Tato tabulka ukazuje postup při nastavování skútrů. Úpravy jsou často nutné, když se vymění některé díly skútru, i když to nemusí být nutně zlepšení nebo úprava. Dokonce i výměna výfuku může vyžadovat úpravy jiných součástí vozidla. To může být způsobeno různými konstrukcemi a modifikovanými materiály. K nastavení vozidla na nové díly jsou obvykle potřeba jen několik kroků, ale je velmi důležité zajistit optimální komfort při řízení. Přesto mnoho řidičů to dělá s nedbalostí nebo dokonce nevěnuje pozornost vůbec.

Tato tabulka má za úkol poskytnout určitou pomoc při nastavování nebo nákupu náhradních dílů. Vlevo najdete část, kterou musíte na skútru nahradit. Malé X ukazují, co musíte zkontrolovat, když nahrazujete díl. Tam, kde je x, znamená to, že úprava je povinná, a u (x) může být úprava nezbytná.
Další informace najdete při přesunu kurzoru na příslušné X.

Exchanged PartIntake ManifoldTuning Exhaust SystemCDIRestrictionPrimary TransmissionSecondary TransmissionSpare Fan BeltTuning Fan beltTuning ClutchClutch SpringsTorque SpringCrankshaftTuning Air FilterVario RollersTuning VariatorTuning CarburetorMain JetSlow Jet
Spare Exhaust
(x)Adjusting the main jet to a new exhaust:
When assembling a new exhaust system to a vehicle it’s possible that there is a change in the resonance effect compared to the original exhaust. This is due to slightly different construction of the exhaust systems (cross section, bending, etc.)
When fewer or more exhaust fumes are fed back into the combustion chamber the amount of fuel / air mixture alters as well. In order to adjust this amount a smaller or bigger main jet can be installed. Wether the vehicle has the right main jet set up or not can be detected by taking a closer look at the spark plug. Is the spark plug light grey or white? This means a bigger main jet should be installed. In case the spark plug is black a smaller main jet should be assembled. If the spark plug is brown everything works properly.
Tuning Exhaust
xAdjusting the main jet to a tuning exhaust:
According to the rule of thumb, the main jet should be extended by 3-7% when assembling a racing exhaust. Obviously this number is only a benchmark. The main jet still has to be adjusted. To do so it’s easiest to take a closer look at the outcome to throttling. If the engine gets flooded as you accelerate, the main jet should be exchanged for a smaller version. If the engine is spluttering when you’re stepping on the gas, the main jet is too small and should be exchanged for a bigger one. Once this is done the fine tuning of the main jet is done by taking a look at the spark plug. Is the spark plug light grey or white? This means a bigger main jet should be installed. In case the spark plug is black a smaller main jet should be assembled. If the spark plug is brown everything works properly.
CDI without restriction
Primary Transmission
Secondary Transmission
Tuning Fan Belt
Tuning Clutch
Torque Spring
Tuning Air Filter
xAdjusting the main jet to a tuning air filter box:
According to the rule of thumb, the main jet should be extended by 3-7% when assembling a tuning air filter. Obviously this number is only a benchmark. The main jet still has to be adjusted. To do so it’s easiest to take a closer look at the reactrion to throttle. If the engine gets flooded as you accelerate, the main jet should be exchanged for a smaller version. If the engine is spluttering while when the you’re stepping on the gas, the main jet is too small and should be exchange for a bigger one. When this is done the finetuning of the main jet is bestly done by taking a look at the spark plug. Is the spark plug light grey or white? This means a bigger main jet should be installed. In case the spark plug is black a smaller main jet should be assembled. If the spark plug is brown everything works properly.
Vario Rollers
Spare Variator
Tuning Variator
Spare Carburetor
Tuning Carburetor
50cc Spare Cylinder
50cc Tuning Cylinder
70cc Cylinder
(x)Adjusting the gear to a 70cc cylinder:
Not every type of a 70ccm cylinder will require a modification of the gear. When installing a mid-race or a high end 70ccm cylinder, a gear modification is recommended. This is due to the strong engine power. At the point of the V-belt having its highest transmission ratio, the power unit reaches the limit regarding effective power transmission. A longer gear ratio is required to reach a higher final speed. In regard to the primary transmission it means that the pinion on the gearbox input shaft has to be replaced by a larger one and the gripping pinion on the center shaft by a smaller one. Thus more torque-speed is transmitted to the rear wheel. It is important that primary and secondary gear are tuned consistantly when making profound modifications since pinions with a shorter gear ratio will wear out faster.
(x)Adjusting the gear to a 70cc cylinder:
Not every type of a 70ccm cylinder will require a modification of the gear. When installing a midrace or a high end 70ccm cylinder, a gear modification is recommended. This is due to the strong engine power. At the point of the V-belt having its highest transmission ratio, the power unit reaches the limit regarding effective power transmission. A longer gear ratio is required to reach a higher final speed. In regard to the primary transmission it means that the pinion on the gearbox input shaft has to be replaced by a larger one and the gripping pinion on the center shaft by a smaller one. Thus more torque-speed is transmitted to the rear wheel. It is important that primary and secondary gear are tuned consistantly when making profound modifications since pinions with a shorter gear ratio will wear out faster.

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